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"Call us, we’re white."
Legendary UCLA basketball coach John Wooden once said, “Sports doesn’t build character, it reveals it.” When it comes it comes to seeing...

Learning Together
In my Māori cultural environment, visitors are typically embraced and highly regarded as a source of new knowledge. The initial...

The Colonization of the Mission
It was not only that early Protestant missionaries began catching a ride with commercial shipping operations like the British East India...

Copowering Relationships in Uganda and Beyond
In Uganda, we are fortunate that our culture often helps us prioritize relational effectiveness over other kinds of effectiveness. But,...

Dancing with the Elephant: True Partnership in Short-Term Missions
In 2001, I started teaching at Wheaton College, a Christian liberal arts school outside Chicago. I would often start my Introduction to...

Teachability in Short-Term Missions: Learning from what does and doesn’t work
Bonita Broadnax and Brian Fikkert, with Emily Carminati There’s something really strange about how the western church does short-term...
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